Freitag, 27. April 2012

8 options, 4 times wrong

This shit is better than that shit...

Tuna, salmon, turkey, yeah let´s exchange hormon infused, GMO nourished, BSE fueled muscle flesh for the flesh of an endangered species full of petrochemicals and heavy metal..or...some other endangered animal, mostly massbreed in farms, massfeed antibiotics and animal meal with chicken shit.

Yeah chicken shit is allowed as chep 'protein' source for turning it into food for pigs and farmed fish..and they also get GMO soy and other waste that you wouldn´t normally touch with a ten foot are what you eat, aren´t you?

....or how about a frankenstein creation that breaks down under its own bodyweight, massfeed antibiotics, breathing ammonia-air, never seeing daylight,mutilated shortly after birth, pushed with hormones and arsen...sounds all so much better than cow. there healthy in the title? Four of those options are not healthy.

Some may argue to get pasture/organic/grass feed animals..but how many really do and just use it as an argument "We could and it is so much healthier than factory farmed stuff" ?

To feed america with grass feed beef 80% of the land mass used for farming would be needed to be turned into pasture for cows to graze on.

That does leave 20% of fertil land mass for pigs, poultry and for growing plants as human food...does that sound possible?

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