Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012

Just some fun....

...and some offending

Check Jesus and Mo out...simply good.

And now up to the offending

I am famous...lol

So I got a message from a friend that now you can find me on google  because some special people are talking about me how I get on their nerves(well we all know you can have nerves and do not need a brain ;)  )

It is amazing how people can be proud about showing off that they don´t posess humanity/emphaty or other important things  that are normally part of a social animal.

But on the other side you could also feel sad for them...and with those peoples, the mayority of the human race, we are all doomed.

And how they love to twist words and don´t seem to be able to use logic or google when it doesn´t fit with their beliefs.

I would give you the link, but I think we all know  already enough of those sad examples of inhumankind..but if you like, google them.

Bet you find them if you want ;)  Have fun.

Freitag, 8. Juni 2012

I really have it with F***book

So my profile was deactivated because of 'security' reasons and I had to prove I am me and to  identify friends..done that...

Than they wanted me to add a phonenumber  so they could send my activation code to my mobile

Uh what...I don´t have a mobile, I never added a mobile phonenumber..dead point. No chance to explain that to anyone...

So my profile was lost to me...I did what thousands of other people do...made a new one...5 minutes with my new profile and just wanted to start adding my old friends I was logged out and got a message that someone reported my profile as fake...

Ahm...FB is acting fast, isn´t it?  Just as hilarious as identifying friends when I had not enough to fill the empty spots for this 'test'(third lost profile,or was it fourth? No, between third and fourth profile that was), or sending me a sms to my non-existing mobile.

If FB would act with all user as they do with me and other animal activists, FB would soon be off the market.

Why don´t they report and warn and subject all the drunks/drug takers and beeing proud about it, animal abusers, pedophiles and hatemongers on FB to that treatment?

Oh I guess ...seems 'normal' people are the odd ones here  and are 'dangerous' to the society of facebookia.