Freitag, 13. April 2012

"Because you do listen to music made by non vegans, buy groceries from non-vegans ..."

How exactly do you know that?  Could be that I am listening only to vegan music?

Yeah..get real...I can not speak for everyone but when I see someone wearing fur or such, the liking for the songs that were made by said musician greatly decline and go away...

But even if I would like J.Low and others, I do not buy their music, I listen on youtube and buy cds from vegan bands if I like their music, others will not get money from me....I guess most people listen to music on youtube, or not?

For me I can say, J. Low and other furhags do not get money from me. Just like me living on german lands doesn´t mean I am a Nazi or okay with Adolf Schickelgruber and his croonies, listening to  all kinds of music/having a radio/youtube account, doesn´t mean I am ok with them using fur/leather or that I like THEIR music or buy it..

And about the groceries...I bet the people who worked against slavery also had to eat something and because slavery was a normal part of their society, they got food and clothes that were partially made/produced by slaves...that didn´t mean they were ok with slavery.

The only thing it meant was that society was so fucked up that  slavery free products were barely available and if, the transport or the shop could have been made by slaveworkers...

Sometimes you can just not escape the regime have to eat, to live in this society..and to change it..doesn´t happen if you starve or don´t use a computer because it might not be vegan.

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