1. the lonely island-"What if there are no edible plants there, you had to eat animals"
However I might have gotten there..let us pretend there are no edible plants on the island, ..that would put me at greater risk to die of thirst than dying of starvation.
Because if the island is so small it doesn´t carry vegetation, there is also no big chance to get drinking water.
No vegetation means also low chance of finding material to make something from it to catch and kill animals.
That would leave me with some insects, some clams I might find in the water..maybe some eggs from seabirds if they nest there.
Still dying rather from thirst than from starvation, even if I could find water and survive, all the reachable food would only last so long...
2. plane crash on an icy mountain
I guess I would rather die from the cold, second chance to die from thirst and lastly, dying from hunger..
3. Crash in the desert- dying from heat, dying from thirst, lastly dying from starvation
4. Crash in the jungle
So how do you think I catch all those animals? And there is an abundance of vegetation...eadible and easier to catch than birds or an ape...would you eat said bird or ape raw or how would you intend to cook it?
Would I eat animals to survive?
Surprise, it would be vegan, because vegan means not to kill unneccessarily..eating burgers is unneccessary, eating an animal when you are stranded somewhere and would die otherwise is neccessary, therefor vegan.
It would also be vegan to eat humans in this case...they are just meat, if they are dead it is fair play and vegan.
It would only be not vegan to kill said human, but if he/she died in a plain crash or somehow else without my doing, it would be totally vegan to eat said human.
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