Short answer:
" There are some nutrients only found in meat, like taurin. Luckily we are animals too and are made out of meat. This means we can produce those nutrients in our own body"
Long answer,WARNING: may lead to brain damage in certain individuals whose brain can not break down and digest said information, better make small pieces and feed them evenly distributed over the wole discussion:
Common nutrients, typically to be thought by carnists, to be only found in animals:
Iron and other minerals.
Did you know that only plants have the ability to take minerals from the ground and convert them into a biological available form?
You and other animals can not eat metal like zinc or copper and stones for calcium, you can not digest it or would simply kill yourself by poisoning.
Only plants(and some other lifeforms like microbes) are able to convert unsoluble or toxic minerals(metals) into a form that animals, including us, can use.
The calcium in milk and the zinc and iron in flesh, comes solely from plants.
Plant sources are much higher in those minerals, iron for example, per calorie than animal matter is, rice for example has the same ammount of iron as pig muscle and up to 10 times more than trout flesh.
Most seeds have 3 or 4 times the ammount of iron than chicken, pig or beef.
Question is, from what do you eat more? Most people, even when eating a modern western diet, eat 70% plants. Iron is taken to two thirds from plant based matter.
Same with zinc, plants contain often 2 or three times more zinc than animal matter.
The misconception that we need to eat animals to obtain certain minerals, is because modern humans eat mostly micronutrient devoid food like refined, bleached flour, nearly no fresh greens and fruits.
And than when people look at their nutrition, it is clear that it looks as if animal muscles are a good source of minerals because in a modern diet we have wiped all the good plant sources from our diet.
In turn we feed most of those good sources(pasture greens, whole grains, alfalfa, fermented feed, brewing residues) to farm animals and feed them fortified feed(just check the ingredientslist of a bag of feed...a dozen or more minerals and vitamins as supplementation), which than puts those minerals(and vitamins) in their body tissue.
Vitamins are also solely(except B12) produced by plants...those essential amines(vita-amines) are made by plants, than eaten by animals, than eaten by us.
Some animals like cats can produce vitamin c by themselves while apes who eat a diet high in vitamin c, do not produce vitamin c by themselves...cats in turn get taurin en masse in their diet, therefor their body does not produce taurin. But because cats do not eat much vitamin c, their body has still the ability to produce it.
(This would lead to the conclusion, when apes who eat much fruits ,do not produce vitamin c, because there is enough in their food ,and cats do not produce taurin because that is in their food in abundance, that humans are not carnivores because they produce their own taurin, but no vitamin c and need a diet high in plant matter for their vitamin c )
Some animals have the ability to produce some vitamins, but most vitamins need to be consumed through food...plant matter, because animals can not produce them.
Every vitamin that humans need is found in plants.
But what about B12?
B12 is only produced by bacterias, no animals can produce it and it is only so much in cow muscle because cows have a big gut with tons of bacterias who produce the B12.
Those bacterias live on the surface of plants, sometimes in symbioses with them, like hawthornberries who contain as much bioactive B12 as cow liver, the highest ammount found in animal matter.
The modern use of antibiotics and chemicals, sprayed on the fields, kills those bacterias, therefor farm animal feed is fortified highly with B12, or the animals woul die.
All B12 found in factory farmed animal matter is from a bacterial source. Bacterias are breed in big tanks similiar to making beer and wine or sourdough, harvesting the B12 and adding it to farm animal feed.
Therefor B12 supplements are vegan, natural from the original, only source that produces B12 and are totally ok...if humans wouldn´t kill off those sweet little bugs ,we could obtain B12 by eating plants or drinking water because those bacterias were once everywhere and with them the B12 we need.
And again....plants. Only plants produce essential amino acids.
Some animals can produce some amino acids they need by destructing eaten amino acids and building up their own amino acids.
But like with vitamins, only plants can produce and built up all essential amino acids out of thin air and water.
There is also no incomplete protein!
Even salad contains all essential amino acids!
The essential amino acids we need are in all plant foods, only the ammount varies, but even if we would eat only one protein source solely, like rice, we would get all the protein we need.
It just means we would have to eat a higher ammount of protein to get the essential amino acids our body needs.
But who only eats rice? By eating more than one food, we get a mix of proteins with varying ammounts of essential amino acids, balancing them out.
Protein is really not an issue, much more important are minerals and vitamins on whom carnists miss out because they jump so solely on the flesh of animals.
By eating more than one food the proteins combine and the body can produce 127 gram own protein from 100g of eaten protein..for example.
Also the body is great at recycling, which also helps the kidneys...or why do you think people who have kidney problems have to stay on a low protein diet?
It is always said that protein can not hurt you, too much is filtered and dumped by the kidneys, but obviously people who have damaged kidneys tell an other story...the body is made to recycle, not to waste...wasting protein puts a strain on the kidneys.
You can take that without problems when young, but the older you get the more problems might occur.
Don´t waste, preserve.
Essential fatty acids - Omega3
...or not? Guess what I want to say..right...only plants can produce essential fatty acids.
Animals only put them together like Lego bricks.
The precious, precious salmon gets his Omega3 from algaes, which are eaten by plancton, than by small fish, smaller fish by bigger get it..or not..depends.
Flax seed oil contains double as much omega3 as fish oil..don´t forget that animals use up a good part of essential stuff for their own needs...therefor they contain often less minerals, vitamins and essential acids than plants do.
But what about CLA, DHA and so on?
Yeah you know what? You are an animal, you can produce them yourself by putting together bricks in your body, just like the salmon, or pasture feed cows can.
It is also not proven that CLA provides anything good to the body and fish oil omega3 has even been found to increase the risk for stroke...
Just like beta carotin is blamed for higher lung cancer risk in smokers...and otherwise touted as antioxidant.
Sorry to make you cry, you can not destruct a food into the single parts and say those are good, those are bad...the good fish oil does no good if you do not get other micronutrients...and in turn it might even hurt you(cummulation of fat soluble toxins)
Eat as much fish oil as you want, without all the minerals and vitamins and other micronutrients that plants produce it doesn´t do you any good.
A car needs more than gas to function properly...same with the body.
->Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers and contribution to the maintenance or achievement of a normal body weight (ID 686, 726, 1516, 1518, 2892, 3165), increase in lean body mass (ID 498, 731), increase in insulin sensitivity (ID 1517), protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage (ID 564, 1937), and contribution to immune defences by stimulation of production of protective antibodies in response to vaccination (ID 687, 1519) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006, EFSA Journal 2010;8(10):1794 [26 pp.].
Read for yourself
In reality all that talk about eating animals to get fatty acids and vitamins is based on faulty nutrition, nutrition missing in micronutrients, making our body unable to produce the stuff it needs.
In reality our body can produce conjungated fatty acids just fine, just like carnosin, carnitin, taurin and all the other stuff..but the modern western diet is often missing the stuff that needs to be eaten to enable the body to work and produce properly.
If an automobile plant is not delivered the neccessary parts for a car, no cars can be made...simple, isn´t it?
So instead of outsourcing on expensive workers, supply your power plant with the neccessary parts and let everything run smoothly
....more to follow..any ideas?
Some great points, informative read 👌
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Damn you actually did a great gob. One tip, try using a formal tone when introducing your topic otherwise some people might not take you seriously.