Sonntag, 15. April 2012

Plants need so much water ...

"Buuuuuut plants need water too!!!"

Maybe you don´t know it, but animals require plants to be feed to them, those plants are raised on fields, fields that need water...than you feed them to animals, but those animals are also thirsty...than you kill them and need also water to wash the carcasses and free them from blood and shit

Than you take home those may cook them in water..or not...fact is, raising plants and feeding them to animals takes much more water than feeding humans directly with the plants.

"Buuuut that water is for free, it comes from the skyyyy"

Unfortunately intelligence isn´t spread this way....

Ok I try to keep it simple...

Fields and domesticated plants need much more water than their wild counterparts..

Humans are unfortunatelly also so dumb and greedy to plow in areas that are not really fit for fields.
One way too dry, the other may be too wet...

So humans either dry the land, which leads elsewhere to floads, or they water the fields..

Both leads to a loss in natural water reserves, whole lakes dry up and die, rivers dry up...which never happened before. There is a lake in east europe that is called 'Sea' because it was so it is nearly dried up...

It happens everywhere...people are wasting 70%  of all eadible, harvested foods on animals..and you think using those plants and feed humans directly, takes more water than raising animals?

Those meager 30% of plant foods we eat directly will give us 80% of  our food...and those 70% of food feed to animals, gives only 20% of you think that is effective in preserving water?

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wow, great comment!!
    "hose meager 30% of plant foods we eat directly will give us 80% of our food...and those 70% of food feed to animals, gives only 20% of you think that is effective in preserving water?"

    Totally agree with you!! (:
