You will land in hell, surely!
Oh this sounds so amusig, the tone reminds me a bit about those middle aged christian priests who tell you, you will land in hell for having sex for fun and double the hell if you dare to be non-heterosexual.
As with many "Evil Soytan" articles, this one has also mixed truth with halftruths and lies because if people see some truth, they will think everything is true.
But as we know, no matter what we say, those old stocked, frigid catholic priests will always believe in Gay-Satan and premarital-sex Satan.
Same as people will always belief that eating animals does a body good and soy is eeeeeevil no matter what.
To change those cemented minds would require to shatter them, and that is only working with heavy machinery.
Not with logic, not with knowledge...and a shattered mind can not be fixed so let them live in peace.
But for those critical thinkers it may be welcome.
Myth of the myths
1. Soy was only used after people learned to ferment it.And that was ~3000years ago( which funnily would still be claim that soy is used since thousand of years..loooool)
Well, chinese texts praise the soybean as a holy plant, used as food and medicine. The oldest texts of use seem to be 7.000 years old and nearly 5.000 years back the legendary Emperor Shennong of China proclaimed that five plants were sacred: soybeans, rice, wheat, barley, and millet..
I am not so sure about the wheat, if the mean the same wheat we have nowadays or a similiar plant.
I guess some early variant of the wheat nowadays which is known since 11.000-12.000 years
So all those plants like rice and wheat are grains, why would the soybean be there if not used as food?
Similiar non fermented(but soaked and boiled) soy beans have been used as "soy milk" since 82 CE and there is evidence of tofu consumption that dates to 220 found on archaeological sites..just like the evidence of noodles and so on have been found on those sites and this is why we know a not so exactly age since when noodles have been made, beer was brewed, wine was made, tofu was made and consumed because residues were found in pots and pans, dried up and so on.
2. Asian people eat only 10 gramms of soy and as a condiment
Those 10 gramms of soy are in reality 10 g of soy protein when scientists calculated how much soy protein asian people ate, which than was used by the Soytan-callers and turned into 10 g soy, not protein.
A bowl of misosoup has already nearly 10 gramms of miso...see what is going on there?
Maybe you believe someone with a title?
But let us stay with the agricultural side a bit...if you know a bit about farming, especially in the earlier years around the middle ages, you will know that people prepared their foods to be eadible in winter, long months after it was harvested and to preserve it.
Good example is Kimchi, soy beans can be dried and keep very well. Warriors in ancient times have been known to carry soy beans with them, soaking them during their rides on the day and than cooking them for a night meal.
Why should the soy bean as only eadible legume be excluded from this?
Sure, not everyone got soybeans and not in the ammounts that are used nowadays...the best Miso was even only allowed to be used by the emperor and his family and 'friends'.
People always ate green soybeans when the time was right, people dried soy and stored it to use it when food did not grow as well, legumes were soaked and cooked all over the why not the soybean?
Because of the magical bad stuff in them that also other legumes carry and even grains?
People even ate the residue from making soymilk and tofu..okara, they cooked with it, what wasn´t eaten at once was dried or fermented and used later.
The next point number 3 is true...fermented soy foods are healthier than non fermented
Especially the modern use of soy, isolating it with toxic, cancerogenous hexane and in aluminium tanks which leeches aluminium in the food, are a problem. But than again, not the fault of the bean, fault of the humans,same as with GMO..
You can not blame the bean for it, humans are at fault. It could happen with any food and any isolated substances are more or less risky, unhealthy or even dangerous.
Point four-all proteins are complete...a big pet-peeve of vegans and especially also me..all food contain all amino acids.
There is no incomplete protein, that would be like saying that there are incomplete animals living without neccessary incomplete and complete horses...the incomplete missing a heart.
Every living beeing contains all essential amino acids, soy beans, salad, spirulina and so on...
You do not need to eat soy to get your protein, this is true.
5. Halftruth of: There is no B12 in fermented (soy) foods
Like I said earlier in the myths of why we need meat...
B12 producing bacterias were once on every surface, eaten with every food and even drunk with beverages and water.
Only bacterias produce B12 and in old style fermented foods that have not been breed with isolated(isolating is not only bad for soy) bacterias, the B12 is in old style, low scale fermented foods.
B12 producing bacterias are not good or fast fermenters, therefor the industry isolated only 1 or 2 bacterias from the mix of hundreds of bacterias that have been used since thousad of years to ferment foods, from kimchi to fruits, to bread dough, beer to beans.
But the industry wanted a normed product, kicking the B12 producing bacterias out of the mix...again not the fault of the soy or the bacterias. Humans are again at fault.
Number 6 is downright brain-hurting
Soy formula does not contain cholesterol needed for brain growth
Do I really! have to say something to this, do I?
Weston A price foundation I hear you loud and clear.... didn´t know cholesterol was added to infant formula from cow milk because cow milk has very low levels of cholesterol compared to human breastmilk.
But strangely taurin is added to formula for babies because it is essential for babies and cow milk has low levels compared to human breast why not Cholesterol, why?
But now for soy formula that is to be required?
Oh and those test animals feed a high diet in trypsin. Isolated trypsin from pounds and pounds of soy beans that was force feed to them and injected directly into their body.
Trypsin levels you could not reach even when only eaten cooked, unfermented soy all day for weeks.
Just check the Weston A price Evil Soy sermon and the references they have. The animal research was done with raw soybeans, isolated trypsin, force feed and injected..not even they are allowed to lie..only to hide it itsy-bitsy in their references between dozens of others.
Oh and those megadoses of phytoestrogenes that are 10.000 times like taking the anti-baby pill, really?
So why do babies not lactate and grow boobs?
But strangely baby boys and girls will lactate after birth because of the hormon levels they have gotten from their mother, but not the thousand times higher levels from soy formula?
Little girls menstruate after birth also, because of mommys hormon levels..why do little girls not menstruate when feed soy formula?
Oh and as long as you are not delivering any evidence why soy would result in a bigger need of vitamin D in the diet I do not take you seriously!
There is real oestrogen and pregnancy hormones in cow milk and high doses of those hormones in animal flesh.
Most babies are feed dairy based formula, not soy..because soy is more pricey and is not given out by the welfare on which many women rely.
Really, soy is the culprit?
Number 7, soy does steal calcium and vitamin D...references, ressources..anything? article has none! If there was written the earth is flat like a pancake it wouldn´t be taken for reality, especially without references..give me some, 'wood' you please?
Number 8 halftruth... true, modern isolated and especially GMO soy will not protect against cancer or in turn will even raise it...but old style will protect you and not be harmfull to you.
Number 9, again a halftruth.
True is that cholesterol is not the lone factor for heart diseases and eating soy will not protect you when you eat a modern SAD diet, smoke, drink alcohol and otherwise ruin your health(unprotected sex, doing drugs and so on)
Soy is not Jesus, it will not raise the dead, be beans are not magic, they are food.
Number 10 halftruth and lies (oh no and there is even more than 10, my poor intellect)
It has been disproven in studies that soy causes growth of estrogen induced breast cancer, but that will not deter the followers of the Evil Soytan theory.
In some rare cases the minimalist ammount of estrogen that phytoestrogen mimics when the woman had a full hysterectomy to stop the bodily production of oestrogen, than even the small estrogen like properies of soy can be problematic.
But those women really would get bad problems when eating meat or drinking dairy, so if those are not avoided and soy is eaten, why is the soy blamed?
Phytoestrogen is much weaker than real one, this is why it protects from estrogen induced cancer by blocking the receptors for real estrogen.
Animal foods have full blown estrogen, dairy has also pregnancy what is more likely to agitate estrogen induced cancer growth?
Number 11, lie
One study! did say that high tofu consumption causes alzheimer, but did they take other factors into account?
In reality it was bad nutrition
The study suggests that those elderly people had not enough b-vitamins like folate in their diet, which fermented products like tempeh have.
Elderly have problems with digestion and chewing, they loose their sense of taste and smell and choose soft food, not eating especially b-vitamin rich, harder to chew and digest foods.
B-vitamins are neccessary for good function of the brain and nerves and mentally ill patients who have been feed brewers yeast, got better. Those studies about mental health and b-vitamins have been made in the early times of gathering the knowledge of vitamins.
Chickens and doves feed with polished rice got ill, unpolished healed them from 'alzheimer/dementia/insanity'.
Than patiens in mental hospitals were feed foods concentrated high in B-vitamins, all got better and many were even healed completly because in those times the poor had also poor food sources and when they developed mental problems they were showed in those institutions with just as bad food.
And guess what asian people eat mostly...unpolished or polished rice? This is why in Japan cities the soba noodles houses sprung up because buckwheat is rich in b-vitamins and people were told to eat those for good mental health.
Japanese medieval doctors knew that eating the polished rice, which was food for the rich, resulted in mental problems, so they recommended soba noodles which got really popular and are still..
Beware his Holyness, the Great Noodle! Prayse his doughie goodness!
All Hail the Great Noodle!
Oh and something else interesting...
Number 12...Oh I so have no interest to do that..maybe later
The same FDA who says that artificial sweeteners are fine and stevia is bad?
Give me a break, my brain would thank you...and I did say something about soy isolates already so please use your brain instead of abusing mine with this ...stuff
Number13-soy makes infertil
Oh boy, if not for our saviour the Great Soytan, we would all the overrun with overfertil, baby pooping farm animals that fertilise each other through the wind and breed like cockroaches.
If we didn´t feed 90% of all harvested non fermented GMO soytan to animals we all would be screwed.
Oh...guess that won´t work, the zombies already ate it, didn´t they?
Yeah GMO and modern soy usage is bad, but don´t throw all soy in the same piss-pot.
What a shame that soy doesn´t feminize boys and makes them grow boobs, all the transgender females would be so overjoyed..but guess what, they still have to swallow oestrogen and other female hormones to grow them boobs.
And all those countries where the use of the pill is not allowed, those women would be surely happy to be able to eat soy and not need to pop out baby after baby...looks like if that works?
Oh but thank His Noodliness, we came to an end...only one blasphemy left
Myth: Soy beans are good for the environment.
Truth: Most soy beans grown in the US are genetically engineered to allow farmers to use large amounts of herbicides.
GMO-not fault of the soy, just as soy beeing grown by humans to be feed 90%-wise to farm animals instead of using traditonally.
Normal soy beans are good for the environment, much better than the breeding and abuse of farm animals, just as soy naturally grown has a high resistance against pests and doesn´t need chemicals to grow and will fertilize the ground.
Not the fault of the beans if humans are so damn stupid and abusive and think they need to dump tons of poison on the fields instead of growing it naturally on healthy soil which keeps the plants resistant and nutrient rich.
So what do we learn from this?
If humans didn´t f*ck up so much, soy would be a food like any evil-infertility-boys feminizing-boobycancerism-environment wannabe destruction here to see, only stupid humans and bad press to promote bones, flesh, brains and titty juice.
But I guess everyone, including vegans, needs some evil to fight against, even if they are just windmills instead of giants and would use ressources from a page that promotes stoneage-carnage-brain eating, raw liver to infants feeding-carnism.