Sonntag, 29. April 2012

Evil Soytan-beware!

You will land in hell, surely!

Oh this sounds so amusig, the tone reminds me a bit about those middle aged christian priests who tell you, you will land in hell for having sex for fun and double the hell if you dare to be non-heterosexual.

As with many "Evil Soytan" articles, this one has also mixed truth with halftruths and lies because if people see some truth, they will think everything is true.

But as we know, no matter what we say, those old stocked, frigid catholic priests will always believe in Gay-Satan and premarital-sex Satan.
Same as people will always belief that eating animals does a body good and soy is eeeeeevil  no matter what.

To change those cemented minds would require to shatter them, and that is only working with heavy machinery.
Not with logic, not with knowledge...and a shattered mind can not be fixed so let them live in peace.

But for those critical thinkers it may be welcome.

Myth of the myths

1. Soy was only used after people learned to ferment it.And that was ~3000years ago( which funnily would still be claim that soy is used since thousand of years..loooool)

Well, chinese texts praise the soybean as a holy plant, used as food and medicine. The oldest texts of use seem to be 7.000 years old and  nearly 5.000 years back the legendary Emperor Shennong of China proclaimed that five plants were sacred: soybeans, rice, wheat, barley, and millet..

I am not so sure about the wheat, if the mean the same wheat we have nowadays or a similiar plant.
I guess some early variant of the wheat nowadays which is known since 11.000-12.000 years

So all those plants like rice and wheat are grains, why would the soybean be there if not used as food?

Similiar non fermented(but soaked and boiled) soy beans have been used as  "soy milk" since 82 CE and there is evidence of tofu consumption that dates to 220  found on archaeological sites..just like the evidence of noodles and so on have been found on those sites and this is why we know a not so exactly age since when noodles have been made, beer was brewed, wine was made, tofu was made and consumed because residues were found in pots and pans, dried up and so on.

2. Asian people eat only 10 gramms of soy and as a condiment

Those 10 gramms of soy are in reality 10 g of soy protein when scientists calculated how much soy protein asian people ate, which than was used by the Soytan-callers and turned into 10 g soy, not protein.

A bowl of misosoup has already nearly 10 gramms of miso...see what is going on there?

Maybe you believe  someone with a title?

But let us stay with the agricultural side a bit...if you know a bit about farming, especially in the earlier years around the middle ages, you will know that people prepared their foods to be eadible in winter, long months after it was harvested and to preserve it.

Good example is Kimchi, soy beans can be dried and keep very well. Warriors in ancient times have been known to carry soy beans with them, soaking them during their rides on the day and than cooking them for a night meal.

Why should the soy bean as only eadible legume be excluded from this?

Sure, not everyone got soybeans and not in the ammounts that are used nowadays...the best Miso was even only allowed to be used by the emperor and his family and 'friends'.

People always ate green soybeans when the time was right, people dried soy and stored it to use it  when food did not grow as well, legumes were soaked and cooked all over the why not the soybean?

Because of the magical bad stuff in them that also other legumes carry and even grains?

People even ate the residue from making soymilk and tofu..okara, they cooked with it, what wasn´t eaten at once was dried or fermented and used later.

The next point number 3 is true...fermented soy  foods are healthier than non fermented 

Especially the modern use of soy, isolating it with toxic, cancerogenous hexane and in aluminium tanks which leeches aluminium in the food, are a problem. But than again, not the fault of the bean, fault of the humans,same as with GMO..

You can not blame the bean for it, humans are at fault. It could happen with any food and any isolated substances are more or less risky, unhealthy or even dangerous.

Point four-all proteins are complete...a big pet-peeve of vegans and especially also me..all food contain all amino acids.
There is no incomplete protein, that would be like saying that there are incomplete animals living without neccessary incomplete and complete horses...the incomplete missing a heart.

Every living beeing contains all essential amino acids, soy beans, salad, spirulina and so on...

You do not need to eat soy to get your protein, this is true.

5. Halftruth  of: There is no B12 in fermented (soy) foods

Like I said earlier in the myths of why we need meat...

B12 producing bacterias were once on every surface, eaten with every food and even drunk with beverages and water.

Only bacterias produce B12 and in old style fermented foods that have not been breed with isolated(isolating is not only bad for soy) bacterias, the B12 is in old style, low scale fermented foods.

B12 producing bacterias are not good or fast fermenters, therefor the industry isolated only 1 or 2 bacterias from the mix of hundreds of bacterias that  have been used since thousad of years to ferment foods, from kimchi to fruits, to bread dough, beer to beans.

But the industry wanted a normed product, kicking the B12 producing bacterias out of the mix...again not the fault of the soy or the bacterias. Humans are again at fault.

Number 6 is downright brain-hurting

Soy formula does not contain cholesterol needed for brain growth

Do I really! have to say something to this, do I?
Weston A price foundation I hear you loud and clear.... didn´t know cholesterol was added to infant formula from cow milk because cow milk has very low levels of cholesterol compared to human breastmilk.

But strangely taurin is added to formula for babies because it is essential for babies and cow milk has low levels compared to human breast why not Cholesterol, why?

But now for soy formula that is to be required?

Oh and those test animals feed a high diet in trypsin. Isolated trypsin from pounds and pounds of soy beans that was force feed to them and injected directly into their body.

Trypsin levels you could not reach even when only eaten cooked, unfermented soy all day for weeks.

Just check the Weston A price Evil Soy sermon and the references they have. The animal research was done with raw soybeans, isolated trypsin, force feed and injected..not even they are allowed to lie..only to hide it itsy-bitsy in their references between dozens of others.

Oh and those megadoses of phytoestrogenes that are 10.000 times like taking the anti-baby pill, really?

So why do babies not lactate and grow boobs?

But strangely baby boys and girls will lactate after birth because of the hormon levels they have gotten from their mother, but not  the thousand times higher levels from soy formula?

Little girls menstruate after birth also, because of mommys hormon levels..why do little girls not menstruate when feed soy formula?

Oh and as long as you are not delivering any evidence why soy would result in a bigger need of vitamin D in the diet I do not take you seriously!

There is real oestrogen and pregnancy hormones in cow milk and high doses of those hormones in animal flesh.

Most babies are feed dairy based formula, not soy..because soy is more pricey and is not given out by the welfare on which many women rely.

Really, soy is the culprit?

Number 7, soy does steal calcium and vitamin D...references, ressources..anything? article has none!  If there was written the earth is flat like a pancake it wouldn´t be taken for reality, especially without references..give me some, 'wood' you please?

Number 8 halftruth... true, modern isolated and especially GMO soy will not protect against cancer or in turn will  even raise it...but old style will  protect you and not be harmfull to you.

Number 9, again a halftruth.

True is that cholesterol is not the lone factor for heart diseases and eating soy will not protect you when you eat a modern SAD diet, smoke, drink alcohol and otherwise ruin your health(unprotected sex, doing drugs and so on)

Soy is not Jesus, it will not raise the dead, be beans are not magic, they are food.

Number 10 halftruth  and lies  (oh no and there is even more than 10, my poor intellect)

It has been disproven in studies that soy causes growth of estrogen induced breast cancer, but that  will not deter the followers of the Evil Soytan theory.

In some rare cases the minimalist ammount of estrogen that phytoestrogen mimics when the woman had a full hysterectomy to stop the bodily production of oestrogen, than even the small estrogen like properies of soy can be problematic.

But those women really would get bad problems when eating meat or drinking dairy, so if those are not avoided and soy is eaten, why is the soy blamed?

Phytoestrogen is much weaker than real one, this is why it protects from estrogen induced cancer by blocking the receptors for real estrogen.

Animal foods have full blown estrogen, dairy has also pregnancy what is more likely to agitate estrogen induced cancer growth?

Number 11, lie

One study! did say that high tofu consumption causes alzheimer, but did they take other factors into account?

In reality it was bad nutrition

The study suggests that those elderly people had not enough b-vitamins like folate in their diet, which fermented products like tempeh have.

Elderly have problems with digestion and chewing,  they loose their sense of taste and smell and choose soft food, not eating  especially b-vitamin rich, harder to chew and digest foods.

B-vitamins are neccessary for good function of the brain and nerves and  mentally ill patients who have been feed brewers yeast, got better. Those studies about mental health and b-vitamins have been made in the early times of gathering the knowledge of vitamins.

Chickens and doves feed with polished rice got ill, unpolished healed them from 'alzheimer/dementia/insanity'.

Than patiens in mental hospitals were feed foods concentrated high in B-vitamins, all got better and many were even healed completly because in those times the poor had also poor food sources and when they developed mental problems they were showed in those institutions with just as bad food.

And guess what asian people eat mostly...unpolished or polished rice?  This is why in Japan cities the soba noodles houses sprung up because buckwheat is rich in b-vitamins and people were told to eat those for good mental health.

Japanese medieval doctors knew that eating the polished rice, which was food for the rich, resulted in mental problems, so they recommended soba noodles which got really popular and are still..

Beware his Holyness, the Great Noodle! Prayse his doughie goodness!

All Hail the Great Noodle!


Oh and something else interesting...

Number 12...Oh I so have no interest to do that..maybe later

The same  FDA who says that artificial sweeteners are fine and stevia is bad?

Give me a break, my brain would thank you...and I did say something about soy isolates already so please use your brain instead of abusing mine with this  ...stuff

Number13-soy makes infertil

Oh boy, if not for our saviour the Great Soytan, we would all the overrun with overfertil, baby pooping farm animals that fertilise each other through the wind and breed like cockroaches.

If we didn´t feed 90% of all harvested non fermented GMO soytan to animals we all would be screwed.


Oh...guess that won´t work, the zombies already ate it, didn´t they?

Yeah GMO and modern soy usage is bad, but don´t throw all soy in the same piss-pot.

What a shame that soy doesn´t feminize boys and makes them grow boobs, all the transgender females would be so overjoyed..but guess what, they still have to swallow oestrogen and other female hormones to grow them boobs.

And all those countries where the use of the pill is not allowed, those women would be surely happy to be able to eat soy and not need to pop out baby after baby...looks like if that works?

Oh but thank His Noodliness, we came to an end...only one blasphemy left

Myth: Soy beans are good for the environment.

Truth: Most soy beans grown in the US are genetically engineered to allow farmers to use large amounts of herbicides.

GMO-not fault of the soy, just as soy beeing grown by humans to be feed 90%-wise to farm animals instead of using traditonally.

Normal soy beans are good for the environment, much better than the breeding and abuse of farm animals, just as soy naturally grown has a high resistance against pests and doesn´t need chemicals to grow and will fertilize the ground.

Not the fault of the beans if humans are so damn stupid and abusive  and think they need to dump tons of poison on the fields instead of growing it naturally on healthy soil which keeps the plants resistant and nutrient rich.

So what do we learn from this?

If humans didn´t f*ck up so much, soy would be a food like any evil-infertility-boys feminizing-boobycancerism-environment wannabe destruction here to see, only stupid humans and bad press to promote bones, flesh, brains and titty juice.

But I guess everyone, including vegans, needs some evil to fight against, even if they are just windmills instead of giants and would use ressources from a page that promotes stoneage-carnage-brain eating, raw liver to infants feeding-carnism.

Samstag, 28. April 2012

Oh you are soooo funny *yawn*

Taco del Mare advertising with  "Vegans beware, we now have steak"

Do you want a cookie? I mean, if there was a prize for dumb, overused, braindead jokes you would have won it, are you proud of yourself?

This would be like a whore advertising herself/himself by saying  s/he has a new STD that everyone knows about, but s/he thinks is great news and brings her/him more costumers.

Ahm is so intelligent to affront and loose costumers when you need the money...

Who is doing your marketing? Dumb and Dumber?

At least when you want to loose costumers do it in a new, brilliant way like...

"Hey did you know, all our salads are made with bonebroth concentrate in the dressing"


"Hey our veggieburgers have ground up baby cow brain in them"

or maybe...

"Beware doglovers! We love Vick, try our new quarter dog pounder"

what about

"Hey mommies to be, beware! We now have abortion may get some crushed in your meal or you won´t. Join  the fun, try your luck"

"Hey everyone who desperately wants children, try our new fetus tempura"

That would be real new, innovative ways to scare away costumers.

Del Mare, if you are so desperate to scare people away from your restaurants I give those slogans to you for free, have fun.

Freitag, 27. April 2012

We need to eat them because...

Some similiar arguments why we would need to eat animals...

"But we need to eat the cows, because they are causing global warming. If we don't eat them, we'll be overrun with them."
Same as :    Meat eaters get rid of methane-producing animals while vegetarians destroy oxygen-producing plants.".....therefore meat-eating is better for the environment than vegetarianism.

Oh how did the earth survive before selfless humans conquered the food chain and fought the big bad, reurgurating animals that burp and fart methan? The world surely would be nonexistent now.

Well, we breed them in unnatural number, don´t eat them, don´t breed them, no overrunning and methane burping and farting.

Animals also need to eat plants to grow...16 pound grains for one pound beef and how much grass do you think dies through pasture raised evil plant killer!
"If you don't eat them, they die for nothing!"

So you think if no one ate animals, we still would breed  animals each year for food and just kill and dump them?

 Maybe those people are just not familiar with the principle of action and reaction?

Buy something, more is produced. Buy nothing, nothing is produced.

"Its impossible to live on native 'insert country' plants"

So we are all living in greenland and the north- and south pole?
And you want to eat only plants that are native to your country?

Ok where are you from?

England, germany, asia? Please drop all the potatoes,tomatoes, sweet pepper, hot pepper, sunflowers, cotton, linnen, cabbage, kale, wheat, oats, beans, corn, apples, bananas, pineapple...

Most of our domestic plants we grow are from all over the planet and most are from africa and america..some are also from the area of arabia/turkey.

So why only native plants, why not plants that grow there?

And you want only native plants, what about native animals? 

Amerika, please drop the horses, cows, sheeps, goats, chicken, geese, ducks and pigs that you are farming, they are all invaders from europe.

The ten comandments of Cooperism

1. Logic rules
2.What would Dr.Sheldon Cooper do?
3.Whenever you do the Cooper because you encountered something ridicolous, make this expression.It helps greatly to channel the Cooper.
4. Always keep in mind to take  it dead-serious, no matter how stupid it sounds to you what others say. Remember, they take it serious, do so also....the dark humorous touch comes automatically.
5.Ingraine those quotes into your thinking to keep the Cooper with you.

6. Sarcasm doesn´t mean to get angry, keep your cool and go with the flow so it will amuse you.
7. The angrier they scream at you, the calmer be yourself, it will be so entertaining...
8.Say insane things, but say them absolutely seriously.
Here is an example for you.
9.If you feel anger boiling up and can not get to the calm of the Cooper, get the crazies of the Cooper.
At least if you can not be logical,scare them.

10.You are not better than others, you are not an ueber-human, you are humane, you make mistakes, you have shitty days, the world may look like shit with it.
Drink some tea, eat some chocolat, drink some Engery drink, get boners with yourself or your partner, scream, jump around like whatever is needed to get back to Cooper, even if it means to totally loose it.

You can just pick it out...

"That is a vegetable stew/soup/salad, just pick out the meat/bacon bits/bone"

Oh really, so how can I pick out the cell liquid, blood residue and everything else that  is infused into the cooking liquid?

Show me your magic trick, maybe next time I can turn urine into pure water again?

Question, what would you do when there would be maggots in your steak  or stew  and the waiter tells you.. "Oh the steak/stew/salad is fine, just pick them out"

Or like the couple who bought some take home and in the stew was a cooked, partly dissolved rodent.
The court didn´t say "Hey just pick it out, the stew is sterile and you will not get ill, don´t be so sensitive"

How about some extra protein in your bread.. don´t worry, it was sterilized during baking.

The rodent was a nutritious meat, cooked and fully save to eat, but the people didn´t like the rodent, so they were compensated.

If you wouldn´t  stay cool at a rodent, snail, maggots or whatever in your food and just pick it out and eat the food, don´t expect others to just pick out something out of the food and eat it the food that had something disgusting in it.

Not even people in prison have to eat meat they find disgusting, so why should we?

Or maybe you would just eat it?

Becoming X is missing out on Y

If you have more ideas..just hit me up, you know where.

This would imply:

or how about the straight female version?

or more genderneutral

Again for the ladies

And one of my favorites (I especially like the shiny red)

8 options, 4 times wrong

This shit is better than that shit...

Tuna, salmon, turkey, yeah let´s exchange hormon infused, GMO nourished, BSE fueled muscle flesh for the flesh of an endangered species full of petrochemicals and heavy metal..or...some other endangered animal, mostly massbreed in farms, massfeed antibiotics and animal meal with chicken shit.

Yeah chicken shit is allowed as chep 'protein' source for turning it into food for pigs and farmed fish..and they also get GMO soy and other waste that you wouldn´t normally touch with a ten foot are what you eat, aren´t you?

....or how about a frankenstein creation that breaks down under its own bodyweight, massfeed antibiotics, breathing ammonia-air, never seeing daylight,mutilated shortly after birth, pushed with hormones and arsen...sounds all so much better than cow. there healthy in the title? Four of those options are not healthy.

Some may argue to get pasture/organic/grass feed animals..but how many really do and just use it as an argument "We could and it is so much healthier than factory farmed stuff" ?

To feed america with grass feed beef 80% of the land mass used for farming would be needed to be turned into pasture for cows to graze on.

That does leave 20% of fertil land mass for pigs, poultry and for growing plants as human food...does that sound possible?

Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Milk is life, we need milk

" You cannot reject milk from the human society. As soon as there is a child born, milk immediately required. Old man, milk is life. Diseased person, milk is life. Invalid, milk is life. So therefore Krishna is teaching by His practical demonstration how He loves this innocent animal, cow. " 

Boobjuce from animals is tasty, let´s suckle

1. No one is rejecting milk in general

Mice drink from mice, chimps drink from chimps, lions drink from lions.

You also do not see a grown up lion suckle on his mommies titties when he is a full grown pasha, already having his own kids.  His momma would quite bash him if he tried to suck on her  titties.

But strangely you see full grown man sucking down breastmilk..not from their mothers but from an animal.

Something wrong here?  How about a nice, cold glass of dog milk?  Or do you prefer gorilla milk,no?

Oh I have something quite luxurious..mice milk, a little cuppa, just enough to cream up your coffee..10.000 dollar.

Did you know that newborn humans would die if feed with cow milk? Sounds very much lifely, not.

And why is that? Maybe because a cow is grown up in 2 years and weighs nearly a ton while a human needs 18 years to grow up and hopefully does not reach half a ton and more?

Same with cats..kittens die when feed on cow milk..every species needs other breastmilk, specially made for this species.

Human breastmilk is life for human babies, cow breastmilk is life for calves but means death for human infants.

It has the wrong kind of protein, too big and complex for humans, too little fat with the wrong fatty acids and too much protein for a human infant, also wrong ammount of minerals and lacking taurin which is essential for human babies but not for cows.

So does milk cure old age, or illness, or disabled persons?

Chuck that milk and hooray, no cancer, gulp down breastmilk and the blind can see?

How about drinking breastmilk and gone is your homosexuality..naw..nonsense...bullshit, or should I say...cowshit?

Ohoh...Krishna demonstrates how he loves innocent cows..bestiality to boot or what?

Yeah our society loves cows so much that we dehorn them with acid or red hot iron pokers, we take away their newborn babies and shoot them in the head or slaughter them to use their stomach for cheesemaking.

We love cows so much we inject them with hormones to produce so much milk that their udder drags on the ground and their joints swell to the size of oranges because the extra weight causes inflammation.

We love cows so much that we castrate the males without painkillers or even saw off the horn...full of nerves and blood vessels..

We love cows so much that we dump them for slaughter as soon as they are sucked dry.

This is the kind of love that drinking milk will force on those innocent mothers...did Krishna really mean that?

Cow milk is essential to built up the brain and finer thinking?

Seems more like milk is hindering normal brain built and activity, because  people belief cows give their milk willingly to humans, are omfortable with getting their newborns taken and also beeing mutilated and taken to slaughter when broken down.

If milk drinking would built the brain and finer thinking, america would be the land of sophisticated Einsteins  and the major contributor to world peace...

If you really love the innocent creatures that nursed Krishna, than don´t steal their milk and babies from them, let them live in peace

Dirty milk     Dairy steals grains from the poor

Dairy industry means eaxactly that..industry...abuse, no lucky cows on pasture, eating greens, frolicking with their babies

They are not the same as pets-they were breed for it..

Oh so you think cows, pigs and chicken don´t feel pain, or are frightened when they are stuffed in cages or go to slaughter.

Tell me how people did breed that out of them, or why animals than  turn to behaviours also encountered in prisoners or abuse victims, like shutting down, starving in front of food, attacking each other, biting ears and tails off out of stress, ripping their feathers off which also parrots do when stressed and  fearsome?

So if they are purposefully breed for it, abuse is ok?

Same as with the slaves, because they are caught and breed for it...they don´t feel like (white)humans, they are not really bothered by it...?

Isn´t  it interesting how the words of slaveholders are nearly the same as when people defend the abuse of animals?

So if animals are breed for it, it should be ok to eat dogs and cats too. Because they are lifestock in other countries and breed for this purpose, therefor have not the same emotional range of pets and do not feel pain?

They are a specific dog breed, the 'orange dog' praised for its it should be ok,they are not pets, they do not have the same emotions or suffer as much, do they?

Once the dogs are roasted or are in a soup, they are just like beef or a chicken for  soup stock...

Don´t belief me?

Looks just like, the other white meat. Erase the head and meat eaters would see a nice chicken soup, or not?

And now tell me again that animals breed as lifestock  don´t suffer as much or have breed that ability out of them..

Cows tried to flee from slaughter and were shoot

Pig escaped from slaughter, withstood taser

So what if there had been 30 horses killed, or a dog who fleed from a slaughtertruck?

No animal wants to die or live under the conditions we force on them, they are not different to pets, not the dogs breed for their meat,not the pigs breed for their meat.

They all want to live and show it...but you turn a blind eye.

Samstag, 21. April 2012

Oh God....a feather!

Seriously,folks...are they all stupid..woman complained because she found a itsy-bitsy feather in her chicken Mc Nugget?

Wow, better steady yourself lady...there is a bird in there too!  Including veins and blood and maybe some residues of chicken shit.

Montag, 16. April 2012

I love the taste of meat, I could never live without is part of our culture, we have always eaten meat

Yummi Empanadas

Cannibals call humans long legged wonder this one pig farmer had no problem to kill ~30 women and sold them chopped up as pig parts.

It is part of their culture, they have always eaten humans, why should they stop? Just because someone who doesn´t know how good human flesh is, that it is wrong to eat humans?

If god hadn´t wanted them to eat humans, why are humans made out of meat? How can they live without this important part of their culture? Just not possible...

And those women were most likely killed fast and humanely, because if they had been in pain the meat would turn tough and watery, shrinking during really can´t fault them that they followed their culture, heritage..and did what they have done since hundreds of years.

How about some evolving?  If humans had always forced their right of tradition and how they always had done it that way, we would still be killing women for havin red hair, sacrificing newborns on stone altars and so on...

Sonntag, 15. April 2012

Plants need so much water ...

"Buuuuuut plants need water too!!!"

Maybe you don´t know it, but animals require plants to be feed to them, those plants are raised on fields, fields that need water...than you feed them to animals, but those animals are also thirsty...than you kill them and need also water to wash the carcasses and free them from blood and shit

Than you take home those may cook them in water..or not...fact is, raising plants and feeding them to animals takes much more water than feeding humans directly with the plants.

"Buuuut that water is for free, it comes from the skyyyy"

Unfortunately intelligence isn´t spread this way....

Ok I try to keep it simple...

Fields and domesticated plants need much more water than their wild counterparts..

Humans are unfortunatelly also so dumb and greedy to plow in areas that are not really fit for fields.
One way too dry, the other may be too wet...

So humans either dry the land, which leads elsewhere to floads, or they water the fields..

Both leads to a loss in natural water reserves, whole lakes dry up and die, rivers dry up...which never happened before. There is a lake in east europe that is called 'Sea' because it was so it is nearly dried up...

It happens everywhere...people are wasting 70%  of all eadible, harvested foods on animals..and you think using those plants and feed humans directly, takes more water than raising animals?

Those meager 30% of plant foods we eat directly will give us 80% of  our food...and those 70% of food feed to animals, gives only 20% of you think that is effective in preserving water?

Samstag, 14. April 2012

Banned from FB...again?????

Ok what the fuck-.....

They put me up to identify friends from FB per pictures

I identified every pic!!! correctly! No matter that there are friends with dozen of pics ...but appareantly I needed too much fucking time for FB to accept my 100% correct identification of my friends and now they won´t let me back in???

How fucked up is that?

Oh and I bet I know who is behind it

vegan page on fb

I dare to correct them, because they posted that oil contains 65% protein, that hemp contains 20 of 10  amino acids that the body needs, which are necessary for protein digestion and some other stuff..

This is my answer...

They blocked me from the page without a word, deleted my post that was purely informativ..because if as a vegan you spread wrong information, you get hell from carnists.

It was meant totally neutral

They blocked me and reported me to FB as a spamer because I dared to speak to my friends how shocked I was to be blocked from a page for a neutral, informative post....I blame no one for not knowing stuff, but blatantly spreading false information onyl hurts the vegan movement.

And you dare to report me as spamer????

Sometimes vegans are the vegans greatest enemy

Freitag, 13. April 2012

"Because you do listen to music made by non vegans, buy groceries from non-vegans ..."

How exactly do you know that?  Could be that I am listening only to vegan music?

Yeah..get real...I can not speak for everyone but when I see someone wearing fur or such, the liking for the songs that were made by said musician greatly decline and go away...

But even if I would like J.Low and others, I do not buy their music, I listen on youtube and buy cds from vegan bands if I like their music, others will not get money from me....I guess most people listen to music on youtube, or not?

For me I can say, J. Low and other furhags do not get money from me. Just like me living on german lands doesn´t mean I am a Nazi or okay with Adolf Schickelgruber and his croonies, listening to  all kinds of music/having a radio/youtube account, doesn´t mean I am ok with them using fur/leather or that I like THEIR music or buy it..

And about the groceries...I bet the people who worked against slavery also had to eat something and because slavery was a normal part of their society, they got food and clothes that were partially made/produced by slaves...that didn´t mean they were ok with slavery.

The only thing it meant was that society was so fucked up that  slavery free products were barely available and if, the transport or the shop could have been made by slaveworkers...

Sometimes you can just not escape the regime have to eat, to live in this society..and to change it..doesn´t happen if you starve or don´t use a computer because it might not be vegan.

"Blow jobs are not vegan!" (and neither is breastfeeding)

Ok, it is clear someone missed the defenition of what beeing vegan means.

Not abusing unwilling beeings...

This means rape, bestiality and breastfeeding from animals is not vegan because you take your joy and yumyum from someone who 'do not want!'

So no drinking milk from animals or having sex with them..or jumping a nursing human mother and starting to suck the milk from her tits.

Get it now?

If the human mother wants you to suckle on her bitty, go on, have fun...she is willingly giving you some  juice for your coffee or to bake muffins with it.

The cow surely would not do so, just like most human women would bang you hard over your head if you dare to milk them and squander the liquid to drink it in coffee.

But a mother can decide if she wants to breastfeed and whom, so she makes perfectly vegan, cruelty free milk for her baby to feed him or her...if you would put a revolver to her head and force her to nurse other babies, that would not be vegan.

Same with oral sex...eating pussy is totally ok if said pussy belongs to the body of a willing human beeing and you both want it..or all three/four/five of you.

Eating a fat juice weener is also vegan as long...well you get it..

If you don´t, you are a hopeless case, either that or a Stupidus trollus maximus...go back under your bridge.

Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

"What if you were in a totally unlikely scenario, I bet you would eat meat!"

1. the lonely island-"What if there are no edible plants there, you had to eat animals"

However I might have gotten there..let us pretend there are no edible plants on the island, ..that would put me at greater risk to die of thirst than dying of starvation.

Because if the island is so small it doesn´t carry vegetation, there is also no big chance to get drinking water.

No vegetation means also low chance of finding material to make something from it to catch and kill animals.

That would leave me with some insects, some clams I might find in the water..maybe some eggs from seabirds if they nest there.

Still dying rather from thirst than from starvation, even if I could find water and survive, all the reachable food would only last so long...

2. plane crash on an icy mountain

I guess I would rather die from the cold, second chance to die from thirst and lastly, dying from hunger..

3. Crash in the desert- dying from heat, dying from thirst, lastly dying from starvation

4. Crash in the jungle

So how do you think I catch all those animals? And there is an abundance of vegetation...eadible and easier to catch than birds or an ape...would you eat said bird or ape raw or how would you intend to cook it?

Would I eat animals to survive? 

Surprise, it would be vegan, because vegan means not to kill unneccessarily..eating burgers is unneccessary, eating an animal when you are stranded somewhere and would die otherwise is neccessary, therefor vegan.

It would also be vegan to eat humans in this case...they are just meat, if they are dead it is fair play and vegan.

It would only be not vegan to kill said human, but if he/she died in a plain crash or somehow else without my doing, it would be totally vegan to eat said human.

Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

"I evolved to eat meat" think you did evolve to eat meat, really?

Did you?

So when was the last time you saw a flattened animal on the side of the road,
thinking how appetizing it looks,
drove to the side, stopped to get out,
scooping the roadkill up and bit into it, happily moaning about the delicious taste,
scarfing the whole, stinky mess down including organs, intestines and larvaes that had taken residence in there?

If you had evolved to eat animals you would love roadkill, you would chew down on your Free Happy Meal, savouring the raw, stinky, maggot infested piece of heaven.

Had you evolved to eat animals, you  would not have to fear food poisoning.

Had you evolved to eat animals, the smell of a rotting carcass would make you salivate.

Had you evolved to eat animals you would dig into the gassed up belly of a dead deer that is days old.

Had you evolved to eat animals you would bite into the hide, tear it open and dive face first into the soft, squishy, warm filling, chowing down and you would love it.

Had you evolved to eat animals you would gobble everything up, not just the dainty cut up muscle.

Had you evolved to eat meat you could tear through a tough hide with your teeth and fingernails, eating the cow without cutlery..and without seasoning.

Had you evolved to eat animals, the acid concentration in your stomach would be 10 times higher than it is.
Had you evolved to eat animals, the urikase, an enzyme to detoxify the body from the waste of digesting animals, would be 10 times higher, something every omnivore animal has.

Humans can even get food poisoning and other infections from cooked meat, cooked meat would still require urikase to detoxify the body from the uric acid..if you have evolved to eat animals, why are you lacking the simplest things that even a pig has, to eat raw, stinky, rotten animals without poisoning itself?

Eating vegan makes you gay

"And why would you care, do you fear I might go after your a** to get a big, juice, gay piece of meat?...or are you secretly hoping for it?"

"Ahm no, I produce my own hormones, I don´t need testosterone from bullflesh. I can understand that you might need it because you get all those female hormones from nursing on the breastmilk of pregnant females. Seems also to give you terrible mood swings with all the conflicting hormones, or why are you so 'bent' on attacking me for beeing vegan?"

"No, it didn´t make me gay, I was gay before. Be careful, all those hormones in meat and dairy might make you bent too"

"Only if I 'ate' vegans with the same gender that I have. Otherwise food has nothing to do with my preference."

"If you think eating phallic fruits and vegetables might make me gay, in your stead I would rethink why you are so bent on shoving big, beefy weeners/big juice slaps of  male meat aka beef down your gullet  and saying you can not live without it"

"And spinach gives me inhumany strenght so I can bend steel...anything else?" (some carnist might not get the popeye the sailor reference and not realise you are comparing one fantasy story to an other one)

"Oh yeah and I will be in good gay company, who would want to be with a homophobe?"

"It also seems to enable gays to get pregnant and carry out offspring. Otherwise I can´t explain how all those gay rhinos, gorrillas and horses are able to procreate otherwise"

Dienstag, 10. April 2012

Nutrients only found in meat

Short answer:

" There are some nutrients only found in meat, like taurin. Luckily we are animals too and are made out of meat. This means we can produce those nutrients in our own body"

Long answer,WARNING:  may lead to brain damage in certain individuals whose brain can not break down and digest said information, better make small pieces and feed them evenly distributed over the wole discussion:

Common nutrients, typically to be thought by carnists, to be only  found in animals:

Iron and other minerals.

Did you know that only plants have the ability to take minerals from the ground and convert them into a biological available form?

You and other animals can not eat metal like zinc or copper and stones for calcium, you can not digest it or would simply kill yourself by poisoning.

Only plants(and some other lifeforms like microbes) are able to convert unsoluble or toxic minerals(metals) into a form that animals, including us, can use.

The calcium in milk and the zinc and iron in flesh, comes solely from plants.

Plant sources are much higher in those minerals, iron for example, per calorie than animal matter is, rice for example has the same ammount of iron as pig muscle and up to 10 times more than trout flesh.
Most seeds have 3 or 4 times the ammount of iron than chicken, pig or beef.

Question is, from what do you eat more? Most people, even when eating a modern western diet, eat 70% plants. Iron is taken to two thirds from plant based matter.

Same with zinc, plants contain often 2 or three times more zinc than animal matter.

The misconception that we need to eat animals to obtain certain minerals, is because modern humans eat mostly micronutrient devoid food like refined, bleached flour, nearly no fresh greens and fruits.

And than when people look at their nutrition, it is clear that it looks as if animal muscles are a good source of minerals because in a modern diet we have wiped all the good plant sources from our diet.

In turn we feed most of those good sources(pasture greens, whole grains, alfalfa, fermented feed, brewing residues) to farm animals and feed them fortified feed(just check the ingredientslist of a bag of feed...a dozen or more minerals and vitamins as supplementation), which than puts those minerals(and vitamins) in their body tissue.



Vitamins are also solely(except B12) produced by plants...those essential amines(vita-amines) are made by plants, than eaten by animals, than eaten by us.

Some animals like cats can produce vitamin c by themselves while apes who eat a diet high in vitamin c, do not produce vitamin c by themselves...cats in turn get taurin en masse in their diet, therefor their body does not produce taurin. But because cats do not eat much vitamin c, their body has still the ability to produce it.

(This would lead to the conclusion, when apes who eat much fruits ,do not produce vitamin c, because there is enough in their food ,and cats do not produce taurin because that is in their food in abundance, that humans are not carnivores because they produce their own taurin, but no vitamin c  and need a diet high in plant matter for their vitamin c )

Some animals have the ability to produce some vitamins, but most vitamins need to be consumed through food...plant matter, because animals can not produce them.

Every vitamin that humans need is found in plants.

But what about B12?

B12 is only produced by bacterias, no animals can produce it and it is only so much in cow muscle because cows have a big gut with tons of bacterias who produce the B12.

Those bacterias live on the surface of plants, sometimes in symbioses with them, like hawthornberries who contain as much bioactive B12 as cow liver, the highest ammount found in animal matter.

The modern use of antibiotics and chemicals, sprayed on the fields, kills those bacterias, therefor  farm animal feed is fortified highly with B12, or the animals woul die.

All B12 found in factory farmed animal matter is from a bacterial source. Bacterias are breed in big tanks similiar to making beer and wine or sourdough, harvesting the B12 and adding it to farm animal feed.

Therefor B12 supplements are vegan, natural from the original, only source that produces B12 and are totally ok...if humans wouldn´t kill off those sweet little bugs ,we could obtain B12 by eating plants or drinking water because those bacterias were once everywhere and with them the B12 we need.


And again....plants. Only plants produce essential amino acids.

Some animals can produce some amino acids they need by destructing eaten amino acids and building up their own amino acids.

But like with vitamins, only plants can produce and built up all essential amino acids out of thin air and water.

There is also no incomplete protein!

Even salad contains all essential amino acids!

The essential amino acids we need are in all plant foods, only the ammount varies, but even if we would eat only one protein source solely, like rice, we would get all the protein we need.

It just means we would have to eat a higher ammount of protein to get the essential amino acids our body needs.

But who only eats rice? By eating more than one food, we get a mix of proteins with varying ammounts of essential amino acids, balancing them out.

Protein is really not an issue, much more important are minerals and vitamins on whom carnists miss out because they jump so solely on the flesh of animals.

By eating more than one food the proteins combine and the body can produce 127 gram own protein from 100g of eaten protein..for example.

Also the body is great at recycling, which also helps the kidneys...or why do you think people who have kidney problems have to stay on a low protein diet?

It is always said that protein can not hurt you, too much is filtered and dumped by the kidneys, but obviously  people who have damaged kidneys tell an other story...the body is made to recycle, not to waste...wasting protein puts a strain on the kidneys.

You can take that without problems when young, but the older you get the more problems might occur.

Don´t  waste, preserve.

Essential fatty acids  -  Omega3


...or not? Guess what I want to say..right...only plants can produce essential fatty acids.

Animals only put them together like Lego bricks.

The precious, precious salmon gets his Omega3 from algaes, which are eaten by plancton, than by small fish, smaller fish by bigger get it..or not..depends.

Flax seed oil contains double as much omega3 as fish oil..don´t forget that animals use up a good part of essential stuff for their own needs...therefor they contain often less minerals, vitamins and essential acids than plants do.

But what about CLA, DHA and so on?

Yeah you know what? You are an animal, you can produce them yourself by putting together bricks in your body, just like the salmon, or pasture feed cows can.

It is also not proven that CLA provides anything good to the body and fish oil omega3 has even been found to increase the risk for stroke...

Just like beta carotin is blamed for higher lung cancer risk in smokers...and otherwise touted as antioxidant.

Sorry to make you cry, you can not destruct a food into the single parts and say those are good, those are bad...the good fish oil does no good if you do not get other micronutrients...and in turn it might even hurt you(cummulation of fat soluble toxins)

Eat as much fish oil as you want, without all the minerals and vitamins and other micronutrients that plants produce it doesn´t do you any good.

A car needs more than gas to function properly...same with the body.

->Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers and contribution to the maintenance or achievement of a normal body weight (ID 686, 726, 1516, 1518, 2892, 3165), increase in lean body mass (ID 498, 731), increase in insulin sensitivity (ID 1517), protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage (ID 564, 1937), and contribution to immune defences by stimulation of production of protective antibodies in response to vaccination (ID 687, 1519) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006, EFSA Journal 2010;8(10):1794 [26 pp.].

Read for yourself

In reality all that talk about eating animals to get fatty acids and vitamins is based on faulty nutrition, nutrition missing in micronutrients, making our body unable to produce the stuff it needs.

In reality our body can produce conjungated fatty acids just fine, just like carnosin, carnitin, taurin and all the other stuff..but the modern western diet is  often missing the stuff that needs to be eaten to enable the body to work and produce properly.

If an automobile plant is not delivered the neccessary parts for a car, no cars can be made...simple, isn´t it?

So instead of outsourcing on expensive workers, supply your power plant with the neccessary parts and let everything run smoothly

....more to follow..any ideas?

I love meat- NSFW

"Yeah I love meat too, but I guess that is neither the time or place to  small talk about our sexual preferences. But I know some good websites with big juice meatsticks, how do you prefer your meat, cut or uncut? I send you a message,kay?"

"Oh dear I didn´t know that necrophilia turned out to be so common, could you please stop with your carcass love? This fetish really turns my stomach"

"You mean you have hot steamy sex with a steak? Or more like stuffing your dingdong into the anal orifice of a dead bird for that extra tad of flavour  before roasting it?"

"Do you know how common that is for those farm and slaugherhouse workers to shot their load there, how they found traces of semen in turkey carcasses and other birds? But you don´t have to fear sexual transmitted diseases, they wash them very thoroughly..the birds, not their dingdongs, and after some hours in a hot oven they are sterile again. Just make sure to clean  any surface that touched the meat.
Maybe it is the flavour of semen that makes meat so irresistible to you"

Enraged carnist...

You know those times when certain persons turn into rabid rabbits, foaming, wild red eyes, snarling, spitting and so on?

No matter how logical and nice you were, which seems to enrage them even more?

-Well if humankind can learn nothing else from your case, you are just further proof to the theory that eating animals is making people agressive

-I know you are a friend of the cavementheorie, we always ate animals, so we should continue it, you also seem to be a friend of other cavemen habits, like high agression and solving conflicts with brutality. Luckily we have never to meet, thanks to the internet. Otherwise I really had to fear that you might eat me, rawr...

If we would not eat them, they would eat us!

Oh, tell me more, why do you think that?

Might I ask if you eat dogs and other bigger predators, or if you think that herbivore animals might get some kind of god-complex or obtain a zombie like infection that turns them into flesh craving monsters?

Isn´t that a bit strange that you think that cows, sheeps and chicken would eat you, when you do not eat them first, while people keep pet-wolves, which are truly carnivorous and have been known to catch and kill prey much bigger and more dangerous than a human?

So if it might happen that chicken would turn into carnivorous beeings, that prey on humans, isn´t it insane to breed said dangerous birds and keep them in sheeds in the number of thousands?

Did you ever see how  chickens or pigs are kept in modern farming?

I mean, there are farms with 40.000 chickens in one shed, a typical farm having 100.000 to 150.000 birds.

If there would be a danger of chickens eating humans, would the danger not be much more greater from factory farming them, than letting them live naturally where only some percents of those numbers would breed, grow up and populate the planet?

And exactly which religious belief do you follow, that you think that eating a dangerous animals can safe you from beeing eaten by one, if you ever encounter them in the wild?

Are you into Voodoo or Shamanism where people eat the heart of a bear and think they will be safe from Grizzly attacks?

And why don´t we hear from those super enforced farms with steel walls, to keep the dangerous chickens inside, and horror stories about people having been eaten by chickens they keep on those farms?

One person feeding and caring for 40.000 chickens at a time, how can those people survive even  for seconds between all those chickens?


1. Horses have fun when they race, they make big money and are well cared for. How can you be against it?

 90% of the foals that are breed are not fast enough, so they go to slaughter..some as early as six months when their built is wrong, the latest at 2 years when they have the right built but have showen that they are not fast enough on the race.

 The mares birthing future race horses, are force impregnated shortly after birth, more foals means more money, more potential winners. Instead of half a year in peace they have their uterus washed by a vet, maybe hormones put in there to stimulate the oestrus and make them fertil in a week after foaling

 This goes on the health of the mare..after 4, 5 foals they are turned into dog food and glue. Some earlier if they fall ill or do not get pregnant.

 Breeding horses are mostly not kept in normal herd structures...(want to know more?)

 Only 1 Percent of the horses raised for racing are fast enough and do not go to the slaughterhouse after the first few races.

 Racetraining is done to horses as young as 18 months(even with riders) which will ruin their joints, ligaments...too much strain on a too young body, this is also why there are so many injuries and young horses sent to slaughter.

 Horses also only race in such a fashion when in the wild they would not run like maniacs...only if persued by a predator. Because of so much training and forced runs, this also damages their bodies and gets them an early ticket to dogfood land.

 So it is not the case that they 'love' running..most horses are forced to run because just like dogs, they love running and frolicking, playing..trott and a short run, a bit of jumping..they love variety, playing. Not the same exercise until their muscles tear and their joints hurt.

 You are not taming and training the horse like you train a pet dog...race horses and race dogs are not kept like pet horses and pet dogs..that is not leashtraining for their own is hard, unforgiving training to make money.

And even champions are sold to slaughter when their prime is up.
Some mares go to breeding, most are killed together with the 'not top notch winner'-stallions and all the geldings which are not bought up by sentiment people.

Geldings do not bring offspring, therefor if they get injured or too old(4-5 years) they are killed off.

True, sad stories
More material

Ferdinand (1983–2002) was a Thoroughbred racehorse racehorse who won the 1986 Kentucky Derby and 1987 Breeders' Cup Classic.
He was voted the 1987 Eclipse Award for Horse of the Year. He entered stud in 1989 and was later sold to a breeding farm in Japan in 1994.
He was sold to slaughter in 2002, fattened up and made into horse sashimi.

Most retired race horses do not end up as a fancy dish, most will be turned into pet food.

Welcome to the cult of the Cooper

"If we wouldn´t eat them, they would eat us"

"If we wouldn´t eat them, they would overrun the planet"

"They would eat us if they could"

"I need my protein"

"If they weren´t well cared for, they wouldn´t be so tasty"

"If god hadn´t wanted us to eat them, why did he make them out of meat"

Which fellow vegan hasn´t heard something along the line and ...after some dozen times you just want to weep, or because they are so similiar and un-original, to have something to copy and paste and just shut them up...

Do it like the Cooper, keep a straight face(even when you are bent around a dozen corners), take every joke serious and answer accordingly.

And because your computer can crash, FB may delete your account or something else happens(like you are lousy at keeping your notes neat and in one place) this blog was made in the hope to collect material and help out fellow people who didn´t fall down the logic tree of wittyness and hit every branch on their way down to the 'Old Lake of keeping calm', draining half of it.

So do it like the Cooper, or just let yourself be helped by the first members of the Cult of Cooperism...