Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

20.5.12-UPDATE about the Evilness of Soytan

Soooytaaaan wants your soul...and brains..

Oh and love this write up...take a look

soy and all that it is about

And I got again into a discussion where I was blamed to be blinded by the pro Soy agenda, hailing Tofu as the holy Mary of health, the sole and only  source of healthy food for asians *eyeroll* but no wonder, when asked where I wrote that, no quote could be given.

Seems  that hate really blinds and makes you see things.

Read this article

I dared to question the wisdom of this research because there was no mentioning if they had taken other brain shrinking stuff into context.

Like meat consumption, drinking alcohol, smoking and so on..

So because I dared to question the article I was said to be a soybean loving, no bad seeing, soy promoter who doesn´t warn others of the evilness of soy...

Oh well, I was amused.

Just to keep it short in some sentences..oh well you know I can not keep it short.

GMO is bad, buy is really no laughing matter.

Avoid isolated proteinextracts  and products made from it..go for old style, organic soy products.
If you want to eat tofu and don´t have bad reactions, do it..if you don´t like tofu there is no need to eat it.
There is enough food out there for you to eat, no need for soyproducts if you don´t like them.

Miso, tempeh and fermented tofu are better than soymilk and tofu for you, but that doesn´t mean that organic tofu eaten in resonable ammounts will bring you to hell.

If you solely get your calories from tofu, well..that is not resonable. Putting soy in the same place and ammount as animal products were eaten before is also not reasonable.

Just as with animal foods before, not getting your veggies and fruits, just opting tofu instead of meat and dairy may make you  a bit healthier(organic, non GMO tofu because you no longer get all the hormones, saturated fat and chemicals from animals), but that isn´t really good nutrition.

If you have problems with the thyroid, cabbage and unfermented soy can be a problem for you...avoid both or see how much you can eat without problems.
It is said that algaes eaten normally in the japanese kitchen are the reason why they don´t have problems with low thyroid hormone levels, so maybe you want to eat some kombu broth or crumbled algaes?

About breastcancer, well the research is contraindicating itself...some say the phytohormones are a problem, so better avoid all animal products because they are high in real hormones and other plants with high phytooestrogen levels.

Other studies say that the phytoestrogen of soy is blocking the access for real estrogen, blocking cancer growth..if you feel unsure, don´t eat...simple.

I am neither pro Soy nor anti-soy...I just dislike this tofu-racism  that is vomited all over the net where soy /tofu is blamed for all kind of things and research is presented without real footing showen.

So if there is a research showing that non GMO tofu shrinks the brain, with people not eating/smoking/drinking other brain damaging,  shrinking stuff, I will gladly share this research and warn people from consuming tofu.

But until then, tofu is a food..simple..just as grains..and just because some people have celiac disease  I have never seen the same wheat-racism beeing applied to all gluten containing grainproducts  as it is done with tofu.

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Vegans want to eat meat, animals just shouldn´t have suffered for it..

The heralds most trolling author...

So vegetarians don't want to eat meat and vegans want to eat meat that doesn't cause suffering to an animal. Hence the desperate, flicking glint in their eye. And hence the attractions of roadkill.

Uh.... desperate flicking glint, attraction of roadkill?

I guess he is mixing it up with the people who scrap roadkill from the side of the highway and turn it into a barbecue and stew...I believe there is even a roadkill cafe?

How is roadkill attractive? Even most animal eaters won´t touch roadkill with  a ten foot pole...and I touch roadkill to burry it, not eat it.

But maybe he is just visualising his mindset on other people and he would like to eat roadkill and gets a sick attraction to dead bodies on the side of the road?

I mean..normal people rather want to burry a dead body than eat it....he isn´t provocative, he is just showing off  his small mindset and..yes I would say, sickness of it.

Whoever gave him the idea that vegans want to eat meat?

All the vegans I spoke with, and also me, find the notion of eating a dead body, muscles, blood..disturbing and sick...just as most animal eaters would find it disturbing to eat a dead human.

Yeah, it would be vegan to find a dead animal somewhere and eat it, it also would be vegan to eat an animal that wants to be eaten and jumps willingly from a cliff or into a knife or hangs itself.

It would also be vegan to eat humans if they died from other causes or wanted to be eaten.

Maybe that is Jeff Corbets dirty little, secret fantasy...he is such an intensive meateater that he would just love to bite into the juice tight of a murdered prostitute(not killed by himself..just by someone else), eating her in a bit different way than he might have done before.

Maybe Jeff Corbet is fearing his own cannibalistic fantasies, so he needs to project them in a bit different way onto a group where even just the notion of animal eating would be disgusting.

In reality, Jeff Corbet might even want to kill someone with his own hands..why I think that?

It is more or less agreed that vegans eating roadkill won't encourage drivers to aim for kangaroos and goannas. Unless, of course, the driver is a vegan.

And there we have nailed it..killing an animal on the purpose to eat it, isn´t vegan..but he is saying it as if that was true..

Psychological seen that shows, that in reality Jeff Corbet maybe has the inner yearning to drive someone over, to kill someone in a way that could be seen as an accident..and than  eat that person instead of calling an ambulance.

It is typical for people with psychological problems and sick tendencies to reflect their own desires onto other people  and twist them around.

Eating roadkill is done by animal eaters, it is not really is just a bit disgusting, but for other people eating oysters or testicles, that would be also disgusting.

So for himself to relief his potential fantasies, he turns to vegans where the pure notion of eating animals is disgusting, but for the main number of humans it is normal to eat animals.

So psychological seen, he twists his own desires(if he has such desires) into a social accepted way to defend his own mindset....because it is disgusting for vegans, but normal for animaleaters to eat animals, clothing his secret desires into something that disgust a minor group, he himself can feel safe.

Maybe deep down he hopes even, that eating dead humans might someday be just as normal as eating roadkill...dreaming about a future where not the ambulance or police is called, dreaming about a future where his fantasies can come true, where he can   grab the dead human, put it in the back of his car, drive home and have a nice human barbeque.

In reality his article is not about  vegans eating ethically correct roadkill, in reality he shrouded his own fantasies into a social accepted way, savouring his own dream.

That those are his own desires, to be able to aim with his car for a human, kill him by driving him or her over and eating the dead body, does become clear when he implies that vegans would  kill an animal on purpose to eat it, because they have the excuse of it beeing an accident and the animal beeing roadkill.

In his mind, in his fantasy he seems to be the driver in a world where eating humans killed by accident or natural causes, is social accepted. Maybe he is even driving over a colleague or family member in his fantasy, whom doesn´t like and would love to be able to kill them and get away with it.

But because that would be sick and wrong,roadkill and ethical vegans are the perfect way to secure and cloud his desires.

So...if Jeff Corbett has an accident on the road sometimes in the future, there could be the possibility that it was not a real accident.
Maybe he already has some skeletons in his closet...?
Maybe he is watching people on the side of the road whenever he is driving in his car, having this desperate, flickering glint in his eyes, wishing how he could eat human meat once, it beeing ethical...?

We might never know, except if he would really flip and drove over someone and eat him, the carcass later be found somewhere in his basement.

But he can satisfy his desperate craving for ethical, human meat if he gets the chance to make a holiday in the deepest jungle of africa or south america where there could be still some cannibals, where the humans know they might be eaten and it is their way of living.

The thought gets especially irking because his 'provoking' article  and the mindset behind it, isn´t so absurd..maybe he envys them...

Tasty human meat empanadas

I wish him good luck on his cravings  he seems to harbor secretly...and also the people who cross ways with him.

At least, he might even defend his doings, if he ever kills or just eats a human, that he heard gods voice urging him on..and don´t christian people eat the transformed body of Jesus?

He wouldn´t be the first closet-cannibal that first clouds his needs in a social accepted norm and later succumbs to them.

Especially gruesome because his article came up around the same time when christian people killed and ate muslims...did his desires he might harbour boil and threatening to overpower him so he needed a way to controll them?

Eating his own kids-secret desires?

And in August another such case came up

Christian cannibals

We might never know...or maybe we will..depends on it if he has them and can control them.

If he has cannibal tendencies I pity them, those are hard cravings he might have to deal with.
If he has them, I wish him good luck..and a good doc to help him with them.

I don´t say he has cannibalistic tendencies...but psychological seen his article and  the possible notions in there seem a bit alarming.

Especially because he mentions his wife making a casserole  with oysters and pig, especially the pig beeing said to taste the same as human flesh and cannibals calling their human victims long legged pigs

It could also be that he has just some homosexual fantasies and because his social environment would not allow that and see it as horrible, he shrouds it into something that would be seen as horrible in a minority but accepted by the majority of humans...

So instead of him maybe dreaming desperately about some hard man-meat in his mouth he could 'chew' on, he shoves his fantasies on vegans who he says have the desperate glint of wanting some meat in their mouth.

Ridiculous  and desperate if it is so, but no matter if he might have maybe cannibalistic or homosexual tendencies...well ...I really hope if he has some secret yearning, it is that of having  human meat in a sexual way, not a cannibalstic one.

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Eat beef because that is american...

..or also, the West wasn´t won on salad and so on...*yawn*

Beef is so american and cowboys and war and ...and..and..

Surprise, the west wasn´t won on beef either, it was  beans.Oh I can hear the angry scream..what beans?

Beans and corn(bread).  Just use a bit of healthy logic.

Cowboys...just imagine cowboys, getting a herd of hundreds of cows together, going for weeks or months through half deserts, bringing the herd to feedlots near the ports because the meat is shipped to europe..

What do you think they ate, a big nice steak every night, killing a cow that is not their own and dumping the rest of the meat?

No, the cook in his wagoon  took beans with him and cornmeal, onions and garlic and coffee.
Everything stuff that could be kept for a long time, sure there was lard and a bit of bacon because that also kept for long, but the most food that lasted a long time, was nutritous and didn´t turn bad was beans.

The cook would throw beans in his kettle to soak them over night or after breakfast which consisted mostly of cowboy coffee and skillet-cornbread...and maybe some beans from the night before.

The beans soaked and were cooked out of the back of the wagon on a small portable fireplace that was feed with dry cow shit, so the cowboys could eat beans when they stopped for the night.

If the boys were lucky the cows stopped during the day for a bit to drink and graze if they found a suitable place and than  they got coffee again, maybe the cook had some leftovers or zwieback, similiar dry and hard crackers for a meal.

But mostly it went on all during the day with a breakfast and a nightmeal.

They couldn´t slaughter a cow, it wasn´t theirs and there was not really the possibility to cook it..howI ask you should they have done that?

The nightmeal was done fast, new beans were made to soak, the water filled up if it wasn´t done in the morning, a fire started for the night.

And how should they have killed the cow?

One of the things most feared was a stampede when the cows got into a cow panicked and hundreds of them started to panic too,running and do you stop a whole cow herd with some horses when they are terrified?

And what terrified them? The smell of blood and the sound of how kill a cow?

And what with the rest of the cadaver that would turn bad because of the heat in the matter of hours, you couldn´t preserve the cow, you couldn´t make a steak, you had to make stew...

Cowboys cared for the cows, they didn´t get to eat them, only on special occassions.

It was more likely that one of the boys went out at night, prepared a trap and than they caught a squirrel, a hare, a praeriedog or something similiar and the cook put it to cook with the beans.

No cows..sorry.It was beans, plain and simple beans

Skilleted cornbread was a staple becaus it was cooked in a pan with lid and could be made on the side with the beans, the cast iron pan baking the bread.

Oh and also no bacon and eggs as you realise they were on the move, where to get fresh eggs and how fast they turned bad?

Don´t think about milking such a beef cow...also the treks were hard enough on the animals so their milk dried up and calfes born during the treck who died might have been the only beef the cowboys saw on their plate.

Also do you know how the housewifes were told in those cookbooks to prepare the beef?

To use a hammer and an icepick or a similiar instrument and make holes through the beef so they could put strings of pig fat through it to cook the meat soft.

And this was the advise for the good! beef...not a larding needle, they first needed to drill or pound holes into the meat.

Oh and steak..yeah that was pounded and slow cooked..the story of the steak under the saddle isn´t so untrue.

The steaks that were fast seared and than eaten..that were pampered young cows for the rich, not the cows that went on a treck..moving makes the meat tough.

You know why they ate the steaks in the saloons rare? Because if cooked through you couldn´t really get through it..but it also could be beef that had been hanged so long and ripened that it was already...softened through the enzymatic processes in there..but they also could catch themselves a food poisoning with it.

That even the beef that ripened on the ships, when shipped to england, was told to be prepared with wood drills so strips of fat could be put through it, should tell you something..and it still was better! beef than what the english housewife could get in england.

But maybe that was just american propaganda of these days...but I guess that was really the case...beef at this time was not something you ate very often. And I doubt those old cooking books lied, why should they?

And as it was jokingly told, the beans helped to keep cojotes and redskins know what they meant with it.

In reality the west was won on beans..and coffee, lots and lots of coffee

Montag, 7. Mai 2012

Fur is ok as long as it is ethical/from culled animals/you didn´t kill the animal by yourself

What exactly does culling mean?

This picture is a result of culling.

Hunters go out and round up any animals they can find, killing as many as they can get.

Most times that means dozen of hunters with dogs rounding up the wild animals, killing every animal they can shoot, no matter that there might be pregnant ones or mothers with pups.

Culling is a fancy word for mass kill.

Culling is not a mercy kill, culling is not euthanizing an animal that suffers, culling means killing every animal you encounter with any means neccessary....poison, snares, steel traps, shooting it or just clubbing it to death.

Culling is a fancy word for killing to tell the people who buy fur that this animal was not killed/ was culled because the animals ate too much fish or hares or pheasants which the hunters wanted to kill themselves and not share with the wild predatores.

People make money from the furs...and because they can make money, they will want and make further culls to make more money

Culling wolves, aerial killing

There is no ethical fur, the animals don´t die naturally...

And who can really believe it is ok to wear fur as long as you didn´t kill the animal yourself or it was specifically killed for you?

The animal was killed because someone calculated that  there are people out there who will buy fur and money can be made with it.

An animal was killed on purpose to feed the market, when that fur is bought another animal is killed to fill the empty space the fur has left behind, maybe also killing a second and third because they can and think that those furs will sell also.

You didn´t kill the animal yourself, you paid someone  for it and also paid someone to kill another one for the animal you just purchased

Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

If we would not eat them,the animals would loose all purpose in life and die out

Does anyone really believe those animals see their purpose as beeing breed, mutilated and than slaughtered to be eaten?

"Oh hey I am beeing born, let´s eat and grow and than go to slaughter to be eaten. Because when I am grown I want to be bacon"

So I guess humans are also born and know their purpose in life?

"When I am grown up I wanna slave away in a factory, making the bare minimum and enjoying it to work for a blood sucking corporation, that is my goal and I love it"

No matter which animal..or plant, they are born and strive to  live, to make the best out of their life...children don´t dream about scrubbing toilets, parents wouldn´t want that for their children.

No animal is born for slaughter and no parent wants that for their children.

They are forced into it, struggling against is not their purpose, not their destiny, it is human made brutality.

And about dying out...they are breeds...not a species.

They are breed from a wild animal, if they die out nothing will happen.

The animals don´t care if they die out, they just want to live happily and if they do not have offspring and stop existing..what is wrong with that?

There are wild cows and wild horses, wolfes and pigs...they are what really matters, from them all the thousand different breeds are made, their genpool minimized to sculpt a species.

If the wild ones die out, the  genetic pool is lost..if the domestic die out, no harm done.

There are many wild grazers that will keep the pasture open, doing a better job than farmed animals.

Farmed animals will turn a swampy pasture into mud and a dry savannah into desert...wild grazers don´t.

They are adapted to the land, living with it, taking what they need, not destroying it.

In turn the want of humans to keep domestic animals, helped to extinct the wild ones, farmers killing off wild birds,horses, pigs, cows, kangaroos, buffalos because they didn´t want to share the bit of space, food and water with the wild animals.

In reality farming meant extinction since the beginning of it.