So my profile was deactivated because of 'security' reasons and I had to prove I am me and to identify friends..done that...
Than they wanted me to add a phonenumber so they could send my activation code to my mobile
Uh what...I don´t have a mobile, I never added a mobile phonenumber..dead point. No chance to explain that to anyone...
So my profile was lost to me...I did what thousands of other people do...made a new one...5 minutes with my new profile and just wanted to start adding my old friends I was logged out and got a message that someone reported my profile as fake...
Ahm...FB is acting fast, isn´t it? Just as hilarious as identifying friends when I had not enough to fill the empty spots for this 'test'(third lost profile,or was it fourth? No, between third and fourth profile that was), or sending me a sms to my non-existing mobile.
If FB would act with all user as they do with me and other animal activists, FB would soon be off the market.
Why don´t they report and warn and subject all the drunks/drug takers and beeing proud about it, animal abusers, pedophiles and hatemongers on FB to that treatment?
Oh I guess ...seems 'normal' people are the odd ones here and are 'dangerous' to the society of facebookia.